Ninja Saga Cheat Damage Hack


Most Facebook games are free to play and make their money by trying to entice you to spend real-world cash on virtual items and other perks. Ninja Saga is a free-to-play action role-playing game (RPG) that takes the concept a little too far, however, and doesn’t really have enough content to warrant the costs associated with it.

The story is a bit convoluted, based on the game’s official website, involving the theft of a magical scroll containing powerful mystic beings. While the intro shows this event, the plot itself really isn’t referred to much afterwards. Players take on the role of young ninjas in a village, honing their skills while going through a series of near-identical missions that seem to have little to do with finding the missing scroll.

The gameplay gets old pretty quickly: missions are all based around turn-based combat. Basically, you have a number of slots in which you can equip your various attacks and abilities, and you’ll then engage in a certain number of battles against varying amounts of enemies. An action bar at the bottom of the screen has to be filled before you can take any action.

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