Emulator DRASTIC Untuk Main Game NDS Di Android

Emulator DRASTIC Untuk Main Game NDS Di Android 

I do not have long also greet visitors to the blog here biggrin hehe in because I was a little busy. but if auto post still remains updates hehe. how ya reportedly the loyal visitors of my blog? healthy, right? Amen.

okay to the point this time I want to share emulator precipitously. What for? see the above title contains biggrin Nintendo DS game that is pretty good. but the same is still good like other console as well really. but NDS console includes the latest generation of game because it rata2 new game2.

See the first screenshoot  

WsnNZeOSVHrBRFBBykHqSQWPenwwEnwOHuLcYgXW naruto-path-of-the-ninja-2-2008051304090

ok now I will explain first how to install this application. see - well yes comrade.

1). download drastic.zip
2). open drastic.zip
3). open nds bios + firmware.zip
4) .ekstrak all existing files in nds bios + firmware.zip to sd card / download / extract here
5). install and open the application
6). find and open the games that format .nds
7). The game play 


Drastic + firmware.zip

And this is his game bonuses

 Naruto Path Of The Ninja 2.7z  

Dynasty warriors fighter 

Dynasty warriors fighter


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